Here's a better pic of the crack with a metric ruler in view to give a scale parto - Printing
Thanks JustSumGuy. Appreciate your input. Can you post a picture? Do the cracks penetrate right through the full thickness of the sheet? On my pei sheet I can feel the crack edges on the sheet surface by running my finger over the crack. In other words the crack comes right to the surface. I'm afraid to print in this area of the bed in case removing the part tears the pei parto - Printing
Hi I have recently purchased a 800um PEI sheet from Just after the sheet was installed and heated for only a few prints I noticed the cracks shown in the attached pic. My bed temp is 85 deg C. as verified with a separate digital thermometer. My PEI sheet is fixed with 3M 468MP 200MP adhesive to a 6mm aluminium plate.The crack extends for about 60 mm in length and has a fork lby parto - Printing
Thanks Dust, My printer drivers can only do half stepping. I'm using the Vexta UDK5114N 5 phase stepper driver and PK564-NAC motors I salvaged from some old equipment. See --> for details. I can get reasonable resolution because my motors are 0.72 degree per step, giving 500 steps / rev or 1000 steps/ rev in half step mode. In my case with marlin set as follows: #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPSby parto - Firmware - Marlin
Hi, I have built and been running successfully a home designed reprap cartesian printer based on a Gen 7 main board with Marlin 1.1.x firmware. I have been looking to improve the resolution on my X and Y axis. My current steps /mm is as below: #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT { 11.94, 13.93, 500, 129.7 } Taking my X axis for example this should translate to 1/11.94 = 0.083mm/step. In mby parto - Firmware - Marlin
Hi, I have a ATmega 1284 based Gen 7 AVR 1.5 which has been running on Marlin 1.0.2 firmware without issues for a few years. I tried to updated to Marlin 1.1.0 RC8. using Arduino IDE 1.8.1 All went fine with the update and everything seems to work except not only is the X endstop not working but it is not even recognised with a M119. See below SENT: M119 READ: Reporting endstop status READ: y_miby parto - General
Hi, I have a ATmega 1284 based Gen 7 AVR 1.5 which has been running on Marlin 1.0.2 firmware without issues for a few years. I tried to updated to Marlin 1.1.0 RC8. using Arduino IDE 1.8.1 All went fine with the update and everything seems to work except the X endstop is not recognised with a M119. See below SENT: M119 READ: Reporting endstop status READ: y_min: TRIGGERED READ: z_min: open READ:by parto - Controllers
Hi, I'm hoping to build the BQ Ciclop scanner and have a logitech C920 that I could use instead of the C270. I realise that the stl file holding the camera will need to be modified. But I have a few other questions; 1) Is it necessary to remove the lense cover of the camera due to its distorting effect on the laser or is that only done on the C270 so that the camera manual focus may be adjustedby parto - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
Quoteflipper Here is some info on how Marlin uses the filament sensor readings: M221 is a separate factor, (extrudemultiply) and independent of the factor controlled by the sensor (volumetric_multiplier). I am not sure why turning on the filament sensor control would cause the issues in your prints, especially if you are simulating it with a constant voltage at 3v. When you printed the cone thby parto - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hi, I use pronterface on windows and have added buttons to run various Gcodes and also copied scripts that others have posted into the pronsolerc file. I have recently added a sensor to my printer which monitors filament diameter and adjusts a parameter in Marlin to compensate for over or under diameter filament. See ---> What I want to do now but don't know how, is to add a real time readby parto - Printrun/Pronterface
Replying to Flipper; I will try some further tests in the coming days when I get a chance. QuoteWhen you printed the cone the first time was it by itself or with other items on the bed? The first time I printed the cone it was with the top and botton half of the sensor housing also on the print bed and with M405 D13 at the start of my gcode. Once the printer was printing the cone only - havinby parto - Plastic Extruder Working Group
With much help from Zasf I got his sensor up and running on my Gen 7 electronics. Big thanks Zasf!!! after which I decided to run some tests to verify some of my assumptions regarding the sensors operation under the new supporting version of Marlin. I was a little confused about the automatic adjustments that the filament sensor makes to the flow rate of plastic compared to the M221 g code settiby parto - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hi, since sending my previous post I realise that Mackerel firmware is only for use on a filament extruder as opposed to a 3D printer. I have been searching the forums for more info. and see that Marlin at link --> is the firmware that supports the sensor. In the configuration.h file of that firmware the motherboards supported are listed as : Motherboards * 34 - RAMPS1.4 - uses Analog inpby parto - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Hi, Anyone know if any marlin flavour of firmware supports gen 7 electronics with the use of filament diameter sensors such as the one at --> by flipper? If not presently are there any plans to support it in the future? I know that makerel only supports the ramps parto - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
I will try uploading the code to the Uno first in order to better understand what's going on in the sketch using the serial debug. It would be great if you could send me a pcb. Since I'm relatively new to reprap forum how do you set about securely exchanging contact details or email adresses???by parto - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Thanks for that Zasf. I like this sensor because of your choice of the AT tiny a micro that can be programmed with arduino hardware compared to Filip Mulier's microcontroller. I've had a look at your arduino code. My programming skills are not wonderful so please bear with me. I have some questions. 1) Could you elaborate a little on the proceedure for calibration of your sensor as set out inby parto - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Zasf, Very Interested in your sensor. Where can I view the circuit schematic for this project?by parto - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hi Cbachalo, Following on from the helpful comments of papergeek, I tried downloading the version of pronterface from for windows using the compile from source option. The "no resume button" version of pronterface I had been using was the precompiled version available at The down load from source at is a bit more involved as you have to carefully follow the recommended order of additional pyby parto - Printing
Obviously there's something not right with my pronterface software. Although apart from this problem I have no issues with the software. If you look at the attached screengrab in my previous post you can see from the text in the right window that the print has indeed paused. The text says print paused at:9:12:47 but my print button doesn't change to a resume button. if I press print again I justby parto - Printing
Thanks papergeek for the prompt reply. I'm not using LCD but rather a pc. It is exactly the scenario you refer to at the end of your post that I'm trying to provide for. So my question is; where is this elusive RESUME button on the pronterface user panel that everyone talks about?????? I'm attaching a screen shot of my panel when a print is paused. Maybe I'm missing something very obvious here buby parto - Printing
Hi, I'm new to 3D printing. I've just built my own printer and am having good results. My question has to do with pausing pronterface, not necessarly to change filament. I thought that I could pause a print by pressing the pause button on the top of the pronterface menu during a print and then ressume the printing again as opposed to restarting the print from the beginning again. Is it the case tby parto - Printing
Hi, I have built a strip prototype version of the gen 7 board running Marlin firmware. I am using stand alone motor drivers so I dont need the drivers located on the main board. I had tested the board on the bench and everything worked ok. All motors were tested, heat on extruder and bed worked and all three sensors could be read with M119. When I connected the board to the printer and tried toby parto - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Hi, I am having a problem compiling the marlin firmware for my 20Mhz gen7 1.5 board. I have built the board and have got to the point where I can compile and upload the ATmega1284 test sketch (using Arduino IDE 1.0.5) throught the gen 7 onboard usb via the MCP2200 and have pins 4 and 5 toggling. I can see the correct text being displayed on the serial monitor. So at this point I'm confident thatby parto - Next Wave Electronics Working Group