Quotemaxangel ??? Comment faire ça??? (Désolé j ai oublié de préciser je suis débutant...) Merci pour votre aide. En supposant que tu utilises Marlin, tu peux soit changer dans Configuration.h la 2me valeur de DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION et recompiler Marlin, ou bien tu changes le parametre correspondant a l'aide de ton display (chez moi en anglais c'est sous le menu Control/Motion/Acceleration/Amvon enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
En admettant que suite a tes upgrades en alu ton charriot Y est devenu nettement plus lourd, la force necessaire pour une acceleration donnee augmente en meme proportion. As-tu donc deja essaye de reduire l'acceleration maximale sur ton axe Y?von enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
When I read your message, I first could not believe that the MKS GEN L board does not provide the I2C pins D20 and D21 - but indeed it looks that way So if you want to use I2C with your board (and since you say that connecting and soldering is not a problem for you), the only possibility I can think of is to solder very thin wires (such as wirewrap) directly to the corresponding pins 43 (SCL) avon enif - Controllers
Falls du ein RAMPS hast, dann kontrolliere auch, dass die Metallplättchen der D8 und D9 MOSFETs sich oben nicht berühren.von enif - Extruder, Hotends & verschiedene Materialien
Wenn du die Spannung am Thermistor misst während der Drucker heizt, siehst du dann auch entsprechende Spannungssprünge? Wenn nicht, dann beginne ich auch an ein mögliches Softwareproblem zu denken...von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
Irgendwelche Schleichströme vom Heizelement übers Hotend zum Thermistor? Liegt am Hotendmetall beim Heizen eine Spannung an? Ändert sich etwas, wenn du das Hotend erdest?von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
@war6000: You are very welcome! )) I am glad that it works now!von enif - Controllers
@war6000: I have downloaded and compiled your version of Marlin as is. I can hook up the 0.96" and the 1.3" OLED and both work fine right away, and they stay visible and stable. So from all I can see, there is no problem with your Marlin configuration...von enif - Controllers
@war6000: If you can post a zip file with your adapted version of Marlin, I can try it to try to reproduce your problem here (and hopefully help you to solve it).von enif - Controllers
QuoteDenis_M1N Soll ich dann schwarz und schwarz/weiß probieren und rot und rot/weiß? Ja. ... und für parallel (schwarz+grünweiss)schwarzweiss+grün) und (rot+blauweiss)rotweiss+blau).von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
QuoteDenis_M1N Bei 1A und 6,9 Ohm macht das doch 6,9V...bekommt man das mit der Ramps nicht hin? Bist du sich er, dass es nicht 2x 6.9 Ohm sind, d.h. 6.9 Ohm pro "Halb"spule? Hast du den Widerstand mal nachgemessen? Probier doch mal zum Test den Motor mit nur je einer halben Spule zu betreiben (oder sogar die beiden Halbspulen parallel statt seriell zu schalten).von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
Könnte es sein, dass dein RAMPS Board schon auf der Platine für 1/16 Microsteps "gejumpert" ist? Siehe hier.von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
A regarder ta photo, j'ai l'impression qu'il y a trop peu de materiel - comme cela les couches ne collent pas comme il faut...von enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Sieht nach 3-poligem XH 2.54 aus...von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
Quotesinned are you using this on Marlin 2.0 8bit or 32bit? i was hoping to switch to 32bit with ReArm but I am a little stumped right now how to configure it. ReArm does use SPI - can we use that per Biachifan's post on page 2? Sorry, I am not using Marlin 2.0 (yet) and I use 1.1.9 with 8-bit Arduinos, I have no idea about ReArm nor did I find Bianchifan's post on "page 2" - so I am afraidvon enif - Controllers
Most likely you just burned the AMS1117 5v regulator on the Arduino Mega. It happens often, e.g. when plugging in the end stop connectors the wrong way. You can use the search function and find many threads describing the same type of problem, here is one with a photo showing the AMS1117von enif - RAMPS Electronics
La commande G-code M302 P1 permet l'extrusion a froid.von enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Juste au cas ou ca t'interesse: voici un petit document qui decrit comment je fais le box frame de mes Prusa i3. Ca contient aussi les "patrons" des planches pour placer les vis et les trous dans les planches. La plupart des pieces imprimees que j'utilise pour mes i3 j'ai mis dans une collection dans thingiverse.von enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Albertdela a raison, les liens vers les STLs ne sont plus valides -> erreur 404. Mais je ne suis pas sur si ton choix de construire une Mendel est vraiment optimal... C'etait certainement un bon choix il y a 5 ans ou plus, mais aujourd'hui je te conseillerais plutot une Prusa i3, qui est nettement plus stable et plus simple a construire. Pour le cadre, tu n'as pas besoin d'un "single sheet",von enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Given that Conditionals_LCD.h is included just after Configuration.h, it looks as if you have changed something else than just the 1s to 0s in your Configuration.h. Double-check your changes... If you don't find the problem, post your modified Configuration.h here so we can have a look look at it.von enif - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Could it be, that your ENABLE signals for the stepper drivers are inverted? Configuration.h: ... // For Inverting Stepper Enable Pins (Active Low) use 0, Non Inverting (Active High) use 1 // :{ 0:'Low', 1:'High' } #define X_ENABLE_ON 0 #define Y_ENABLE_ON 0 #define Z_ENABLE_ON 0 ...von enif - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Attention, en plus de ce que Francis a deja dit, il faudrait aussi que tu t'assures que ton RAMPS est bien muni des capaciteurs qui supportent 24V (souvent ils sont pour 35V, mais il y encore des RAMPS avec des capaciteurs a 16V seulement). Aussi, les fusibles PTC jaunes a 5A et 11A sont limites a 16V, c.a.d. il faudrait les remplacer par des fusibles remplacables. Les 24V ne sont pas un probvon enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Quotehafo Ich habe etwas Mühe mit dem losen Filament. Gibt es gute Spuhlen für solch lose geliefertes Zeugs? Für lose Filamentrollen brauche ich diese Spulen hier: Die kann man öffnen, in die Rolle einführen und so das Filament einspannen ohne umzuspulen.von enif - Extruder, Hotends & verschiedene Materialien
Have you checked your .pronsolerc file? It's possible to put a line "set default_extrusion XX" (where XX is your extrusion length) to define the used extrusion length (default=5). So maybe you have a line ""set default_extrusion 50" in your .pronsolerc that you need to remove (or change)...von enif - Printrun/Pronterface
@juansuarez: Here is how I modified Marlin 1.1.9 for my Tiny OLED on the Sanguinololu: In Configuration.h add a line "#define TINYOLED" and make sure that you don't have any other display controllers defined. Apply the following changes in pins_SANGUINOLOLU_11.h: *** pins_SANGUINOLOLU_11.h.ori 2018-12-04 10:37:15.101313000 +0100 --- pins_SANGUINOLOLU_11.h 2018-12-04 10:47:03.641419000 +0100von enif - Controllers
Quotejuansuarez I have been trying for 3 months to connect the oled but the marlin gives me 8mhz errors Could you please explain your problem more specifically: - Where do you get "8MHz errors", what is the exact error message and from which program? - How did you connect you OLED? Pictures? - Which version of the Tiny OLED do you have? Is it the one described here? or one bought from Chinavon enif - Controllers
QuotePaul41 Without making ‘any’ changes in marlin apart from inverting them the printer is working as expected. I’m not sure if that means I am getting any benefits from using them? I use them that way and my benefit is that my printer now operates much quieter than before...von enif - Controllers
I don't know the Anet board nor how exactly you have connected the encoder and the buzzer to the board. But what you need to do is in pins_ANET_10.h (or whatever the pins file for your board is) you need to define the pin numbers for the 3 encoder pins BTN_EN1, BTN_EN2, BTN_ENC and for the buzzer pin BEEPER_PIN.von enif - Controllers
QuoteReplace ... I have to hit f5 to render the draft object... In my version of OpenScad, F5 is not for rendering, but for previewing the object - for rendering it's F6. And in the "Design" menu there is an option to enable/disable the automatic preview...von enif - OpenSCAD
QuoteAbdul Mannan Thanks for the reply, I have checked the polarity of the signal cable by swapping them but nothing changed. I had find the actual problem. The ramps D8 is continually giving 12v output when the bed temp is set to 0 degree which results into automatically heating up. Where as the D9 and D10 are giving 0V when they are set at 0. Is there is any setting for it in Marlin Firmware.von enif - RAMPS Electronics