Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 19, 2016 10:09AM
MakerBase Technology Co., Ltd. is the correct aliexpress store and above link to the module they sell i messaged the seller and he said yes you can use that module with the mks sbase v1.2
The question is really more a:
How to wire it explained for normal people.
How to setup firmware for normal people.
Oh man, "for normal people." I like that LOL!
Hopefully, they'll email you some relatively complete and accurate info shortly...Cross your fingers. See, this is what we get for buying poorly documented Chinese boards. Honestly, it's still probably worth it for the money saved and the experience earned. But it definitely takes longer to get up and fully running going this route.
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 19, 2016 02:23PM
Board arrived today, v1.2 as expected.

ETA, first impression is a well made board, with good quality components. Sensible PCB layout, the labels could be a little bigger, some are partly obscured by components, but otherwise looks good.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2016 05:39PM by bobc.

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Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 19, 2016 08:04PM

This might be a silly question but... i keep seeing the board refered to as CLOSED SOURCE
they post all thier schematics and board layers etc here
and have so since version 1.0 an they keep it up to date.
can someone explain???

It's very simple. Whether or not something is Open-Source is determined by the license under which the author allows you to use the design ( the author owns the copyright, so he can determine what you have the right to do, and what you are forbidden from doing, with his intellectual property : that's the license ).
That license is Open-Source, or it is not. Common Open-Source license examples : CC-BY-SA, GBL, MIT, CERN OHL ... Those are the licenses of things like Arduino, Wikipedia, Linux etc ...
A license is a valid Open-Source Hardware license if it matches this definition : []
It's pretty simple really, hope I explained well.

The MKS board is not Open-Source ( even it's creators agree on this ) because it's not released under an Open-Source license.

Ok, so.... this seems simple enough - i wonder if it is there intent and they just don't know how....after all there is a bit of a language barrier....

Is it makerbase's intent that this board be released under a valid Open-Source Hardware license?
if so, do you need assistance in what to post to release the design in this way?
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 19, 2016 08:50PM

This might be a silly question but... i keep seeing the board refered to as CLOSED SOURCE
they post all thier schematics and board layers etc here
and have so since version 1.0 an they keep it up to date.
can someone explain???

It's very simple. Whether or not something is Open-Source is determined by the license under which the author allows you to use the design ( the author owns the copyright, so he can determine what you have the right to do, and what you are forbidden from doing, with his intellectual property : that's the license ).
That license is Open-Source, or it is not. Common Open-Source license examples : CC-BY-SA, GBL, MIT, CERN OHL ... Those are the licenses of things like Arduino, Wikipedia, Linux etc ...
A license is a valid Open-Source Hardware license if it matches this definition : []
It's pretty simple really, hope I explained well.

The MKS board is not Open-Source ( even it's creators agree on this ) because it's not released under an Open-Source license.

Ok, so.... this seems simple enough - i wonder if it is there intent and they just don't know how....after all there is a bit of a language barrier....

Is it makerbase's intent that this board be released under a valid Open-Source Hardware license?
if so, do you need assistance in what to post to release the design in this way?
I believe earlier in this thread they, the creators, do not want this to be open source because they fear it will be copied and sold. You can scan through the pages to see their response if you wish.

I await Skynet and my last vision will be of a RepRap self replicating the robots that is destroying the human race.
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 20, 2016 03:33AM
MakerBase Technology Co., Ltd. is the correct aliexpress store and above link to the module they sell i messaged the seller and he said yes you can use that module with the mks sbase v1.2
The question is really more a:
How to wire it explained for normal people.
How to setup firmware for normal people.
Oh man, "for normal people." I like that LOL!
Hopefully, they'll email you some relatively complete and accurate info shortly...Cross your fingers. See, this is what we get for buying poorly documented Chinese boards. Honestly, it's still probably worth it for the money saved and the experience earned. But it definitely takes longer to get up and fully running going this route.
I think I solved it everyone, I just need to figure out the firmware part smiling smiley
Edit: Solution: HAVE to use a MAX31855 K-type thermocouple amplifier. MKS Sells one which can also be bought from Adafruit if you want it faster or want the original.
Don't know about firmware yet though. Anyone?

I got in touch with one of their developers and while I need to ask 3 times or so, they do eventually give answers I understand. They have been like this since before I bought stuff from them the first time, which is one of the reasons I took the leap.

I published my guide to Configuring MKS Sbase v1.2 32-bit Controller basics and intro to Smoothieware.
I have been unable to find anywhere else at all resembling a guide or intro to Smoothieware, not even on Smoothiewares site - command listing is not a guide in terms of normal people usage smiling smiley

I bought the Sbase 1.2 to get a feel for Smoothieware while waiting for Smoothieboard v2 smiling smiley AND because they have some super awesome (and cheap) touch-screens like noone else. Been using one on my ramps (TFT28) a while, which I now use on this Sbase 1.2 and ordered an extra (TFT32) for my second Sbase 1.2 board

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2016 03:40AM by dintid.

My Instructables - both total newbie instructables and some for intermediate users.
My Designs on Thingiverse
YouTube channel containing a few 3D printing videos - they are videos for my Instructables, and mostly not standalone.
Ultius / Tantillus Thingiverse Group
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 20, 2016 03:36AM
I published my guide to Configuring MKS Sbase v1.2 32-bit Controller basics and intro to Smoothieware.
I have been unable to find anywhere else at all resembling a guide or intro to Smoothieware, not even on Smoothiewares site - command listing is not a guide in terms of normal people usage smiling smiley

[] ?
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 20, 2016 03:50AM
I published my guide to Configuring MKS Sbase v1.2 32-bit Controller basics and intro to Smoothieware.
I have been unable to find anywhere else at all resembling a guide or intro to Smoothieware, not even on Smoothiewares site - command listing is not a guide in terms of normal people usage smiling smiley

[] ?
Not entirely sure what you ask?
But if you mean they have guides? They do not. They have commands listing and rather technical explanations but no intro or guide to setup for normal non-programmers.
I have a couple of shops and many people waiting for my particular Instructables as they needed something everyone could use to get started.

Just look at that "illustration"... no normal sane people can get anything usefull from that one.

I have literally tens of thousands readers on my instructables. Why? I cover the basics people need to actually use the various wiki sources. It's a huge struggle for normal people to get started as the available material is written by experts for experts. Not by support people for regular people. It's a symptom of RepRap originally being an enthusiast project, but it means a lot of normal people who would like to start simply just cant.

Most often comments I get are alon the line of ".... I have been trying to get my printer to run for years, but never been able to... now it works".

edit: stuff

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2016 03:51AM by dintid.

My Instructables - both total newbie instructables and some for intermediate users.
My Designs on Thingiverse
YouTube channel containing a few 3D printing videos - they are videos for my Instructables, and mostly not standalone.
Ultius / Tantillus Thingiverse Group
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 20, 2016 04:00AM

[attachment 76727 temp.jpg]
Just look at that "illustration"... no normal sane people can get anything usefull from that one.

You just selected the least easy to understand thing in that page smiling smiley
It's there for those that understand it, but the guide certainly does not expect you to use it if you don't.
Just besides that diagram, there is a full text explanation of everything related to power inputs/outputs ...

Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 20, 2016 04:33AM
I think I solved it everyone, I just need to figure out the firmware part smiling smiley

You solved it? Well done smiling smiley

When you write the instructable, make sure to put your name on it so you get the credit.

BTW, it's engineers that are normal and sane. Non-engineers are the idiots.

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Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 20, 2016 05:07AM
I think I solved it everyone, I just need to figure out the firmware part smiling smiley

You solved it? Well done smiling smiley

When you write the instructable, make sure to put your name on it so you get the credit.

BTW, it's engineers that are normal and sane. Non-engineers are the idiots.
Yes, solved it, so now I can relay it.

What do you mean "put my name on it"? Not like it's posted anonymously.

BTW, it's engineers that are normal and sane. Non-engineers are the idiots.
Problem is how the people writing the technical documenations simply just can not relate to anyone without their techncial knowledge. It effectively Locks out the majority of potential users untill someone comes and bridge the basics gap.

Same as when I am looking up syntaxes for Powershell.. works fine for me, but very hard to use for non programmers.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2016 05:07AM by dintid.

My Instructables - both total newbie instructables and some for intermediate users.
My Designs on Thingiverse
YouTube channel containing a few 3D printing videos - they are videos for my Instructables, and mostly not standalone.
Ultius / Tantillus Thingiverse Group
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 20, 2016 01:31PM
Wonders how to connect dc42 ir sensor?

Check my rubbish blog for my prusa i3

up and running
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 20, 2016 02:41PM
Wonders how to connect dc42 ir sensor?
Guess just like any other endstop.

My Instructables - both total newbie instructables and some for intermediate users.
My Designs on Thingiverse
YouTube channel containing a few 3D printing videos - they are videos for my Instructables, and mostly not standalone.
Ultius / Tantillus Thingiverse Group
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 21, 2016 05:50AM
ok,i will update it soon.thanks for feedback.
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 21, 2016 11:01AM
I was finally able to get the RRD LCD work with the board. I followed the image the makerbase guys had provided for wiring it . I had to scrape off the notches on the connector and plug it in opposite direction on the board.
it works fine now with the default configs.

Lesson learnt: Always buy the printer parts especially electronics (LCDs) from same vendor coz even the clones are not actually clones, they differ alot.
open | download - mks-sbase-wiring.jpg (144.7 KB)
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 21, 2016 11:59PM
Hi everybody.
Has anyone connected the servo to the MKS SBase V1.2? Please, give the diagram how to connect the servo to the board physically. I can't find the +5 pin on the board. Only ground.
How to connect the servo with external power supply for the servo to this board?
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 22, 2016 07:41AM
Lesson learnt: Always buy the printer parts especially electronics (LCDs) from same vendor coz even the clones are not actually clones, they differ alot.

Well, the inexperienced me bought MKS OLED12864 to use with MKS SBASE under the assumption that pairing the same vendor's products will be a pickle. Little did I know it didn't work, and after a brief email conversation with Makerbase and it was concluded that it won't work with the board fullstop. There's probably something painfully obvious on that page that says it won't work with this: Alibaba. FYI Makerbase was friendly and swift in their responses.

So, anyhow, I'm basically left with a display that's considered a dud in my hands and thought about trying out things over the weekend. What I've come up so far, is that it's probably a SSD1306 display (their Marlin conf) perhaps similar to that of the TinyOLED-project. Then that there might be a change that this will work using an Arduino and the universal adapter driver. Maybe. Am I completely on the wrong tracks here and should rather just abandon ship? I don't mind tinkering, obviously, despite choosing this panel.
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 23, 2016 07:12AM
Hi everybody.
Has anyone connected the servo to the MKS SBase V1.2? Please, give the diagram how to connect the servo to the board physically. I can't find the +5 pin on the board. Only ground.
How to connect the servo with external power supply for the servo to this board?

Always use a separate 5V supply for the servo. Make sure, the ground is connected to GND on the Sbase and on the servo plug ( black ). Connect the external 5v line only to the ( red?) servo wire.
The yellow or white servo wire is for the sbase signal.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2016 07:13AM by o_lampe.
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 23, 2016 10:27AM
Hi everybody.
Has anyone connected the servo to the MKS SBase V1.2? Please, give the diagram how to connect the servo to the board physically. I can't find the +5 pin on the board. Only ground.
How to connect the servo with external power supply for the servo to this board?

Always use a separate 5V supply for the servo. Make sure, the ground is connected to GND on the Sbase and on the servo plug ( black ). Connect the external 5v line only to the ( red?) servo wire.
The yellow or white servo wire is for the sbase signal.
Out of curiousity / general Desire to learn:
* You can set 3.3/5v on the endstop connectors. If set to 5v this is not enough for a servo? I read it was specifically designed to be used for arms for sensor and such, but servo is no good here?

My Instructables - both total newbie instructables and some for intermediate users.
My Designs on Thingiverse
YouTube channel containing a few 3D printing videos - they are videos for my Instructables, and mostly not standalone.
Ultius / Tantillus Thingiverse Group
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 23, 2016 12:58PM
It's not the voltage, it's the current. Even a small servo can draw up to 1 Amp, the 5V regulator is only rated for 1Amp, and that also feeds the 3.3V.

Even active endstops only use a few milliamps, so there is no problem powering from the onboard 5V.

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Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 23, 2016 09:19PM
It's not the voltage, it's the current. Even a small servo can draw up to 1 Amp, the 5V regulator is only rated for 1Amp, and that also feeds the 3.3V.

Even active endstops only use a few milliamps, so there is no problem powering from the onboard 5V.
Thank you. I've never used servos (not going to either) and just thought the endstops were designed for this particular kind of use smiling smiley

My Instructables - both total newbie instructables and some for intermediate users.
My Designs on Thingiverse
YouTube channel containing a few 3D printing videos - they are videos for my Instructables, and mostly not standalone.
Ultius / Tantillus Thingiverse Group
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 24, 2016 08:24AM
Always use a separate 5V supply for the servo. Make sure, the ground is connected to GND on the Sbase and on the servo plug ( black ). Connect the external 5v line only to the ( red?) servo wire.
The yellow or white servo wire is for the sbase signal.
OK. I have connected the servo using external power supply. I have connected minus from the power supply both to servo and to ground pin on the MKS SBase. Plus from the power supply was connected to the plus on the servo. The signal wire from the servo was connected to the pin P1.22 on the MKS SBase.
Next additional strings was added to the config file:
switch.servo.enable                            true             #
switch.servo.input_on_command                  M280             # M280 S7.5 would be midway
switch.servo.input_off_command                 M281             # same as M280 S0 0% duty cycle, effectively off
switch.servo.output_pin                        1.22             # must be a PWM capable pin
switch.servo.output_type                       hwpwm            # H/W pwm output settable with S parameter in the input_on_comand
switch.servo.pwm_period_ms                     20               # set period to 20ms (50Hz) default is 50Hz
Then I tried to send the command M280 S5 to the printer using Pronterface. And nothing happens. Maybe I need to use another command? Or maybe I do something wrong?
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 24, 2016 08:40AM
Always use a separate 5V supply for the servo. Make sure, the ground is connected to GND on the Sbase and on the servo plug ( black ). Connect the external 5v line only to the ( red?) servo wire.
The yellow or white servo wire is for the sbase signal.
OK. I have connected the servo using external power supply. I have connected minus from the power supply both to servo and to ground pin on the MKS SBase. Plus from the power supply was connected to the plus on the servo. The signal wire from the servo was connected to the pin P1.22 on the MKS SBase.
Next additional strings was added to the config file:
switch.servo.enable                            true             #
switch.servo.input_on_command                  M280             # M280 S7.5 would be midway
switch.servo.input_off_command                 M281             # same as M280 S0 0% duty cycle, effectively off
switch.servo.output_pin                        1.22             # must be a PWM capable pin
switch.servo.output_type                       hwpwm            # H/W pwm output settable with S parameter in the input_on_comand
switch.servo.pwm_period_ms                     20               # set period to 20ms (50Hz) default is 50Hz
Then I tried to send the command M280 S5 to the printer using Pronterface. And nothing happens. Maybe I need to use another command? Or maybe I do something wrong?

Pin 1.22 is not PWM-capable.
Pin 1.23 is for example. See : []
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 24, 2016 09:02AM
Pin 1.22 is not PWM-capable.
Pin 1.23 is for example. See : []
Thanks. I have changed pin 1.22 to pin 1.23 and now have the next result. When I send M280 S5 or other value of S, the servo turns always on the same position. And only one time. If I send M280 command with another S value the servo is not turns. Only when I change the angle manually the M280 command works again and only one time.
The servo model is Graupner DES 586 BB Standard voltage/ Speed.
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 24, 2016 09:09AM
Pin 1.22 is not PWM-capable.
Pin 1.23 is for example. See : []
Thanks. I have changed pin 1.22 to pin 1.23 and now have the next result. When I send M280 S5 or other value of S, the servo turns always on the same position. And only one time. If I send M280 command with another S value the servo is not turns. Only when I change the angle manually the M280 command works again and only one time.
The servo model is Graupner DES 586 BB Standard voltage/ Speed.

Smoothie ( aha I nearly wrote "Smoothieboard" smiling smiley I mean any Smoothie-based board ) outputs 3.3V signals. Looking at the specs for your servo motor, I doubt that's enough to control it.
Maybe the MKS SBASE thing has an actual "Servo" port that bumps things up to 5V ? Somebody here knows ?
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 24, 2016 09:41AM
I would of thought you could use the pins on j8 above the leds, also endstops you can change from 3.3v or 5v

Check my rubbish blog for my prusa i3

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Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 24, 2016 09:41AM
Smoothie ( aha I nearly wrote "Smoothieboard" smiling smiley I mean any Smoothie-based board ) outputs 3.3V signals. Looking at the specs for your servo motor, I doubt that's enough to control it.
Maybe the MKS SBASE thing has an actual "Servo" port that bumps things up to 5V ? Somebody here knows ?
I have not find any special ports for servos, only several pins for self-design. It is strange that there is no ports for servos on the board.
I would of thought you could use the pins on j8 above the leds, also endstops you can change from 3.3v or 5v
I have made this. I use J8 port and changed the jumper to 5 V. The result is the same.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2016 09:45AM by Alexus12.
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 24, 2016 01:34PM
I had a look at servo specs before, to see if the control signal is 3.3V compatible. The answer is it depends on the servo. e.g. this one indicates 5V [] but this one says 3.3V to 5V []

The servo must still be powered at 5V (or whatever normal supply voltage) of course.

So either find a servo with a known spec, or trial and error. Sparkfun sell a little level translator which should work []

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Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 24, 2016 02:38PM
i have a dead 3d printer buy it from here

the initial motherboard was with problems - problems on axe x,
i changed the mb with a second, same model, from China (new problems - imposible to build a cube of 1 cm - always is making 0.5mm on axe Z) ... imposible to find a firmware/ CMOS able to modify the errors

i try to change my printer on a smothie system - motherboard. The same mb like BOBC - MKS SBASE v1.2
I have been installed my new motherboard on the computer (no problems with the drivers - all it's seems to be ok ), but when i try to connect my computer, on my printer using com5 ( port Com - Uberclock) , i have no answer from the printer.

I don't have a screen / lcd for my mb compatible with the motherboard

1.i need a lcd? it is necessary? what lcd i can use it for this motherboard?
2.i try it to make a firmware, with the firmware from the pack - nothing!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2016 02:50PM by tomi01_2000.
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 24, 2016 03:40PM
i have a dead 3d printer buy it from here

the initial motherboard was with problems - problems on axe x,
i changed the mb with a second, same model, from China (new problems - imposible to build a cube of 1 cm - always is making 0.5mm on axe Z) ... imposible to find a firmware/ CMOS able to modify the errors

i try to change my printer on a smothie system - motherboard. The same mb like BOBC - MKS SBASE v1.2
I have been installed my new motherboard on the computer (no problems with the drivers - all it's seems to be ok ), but when i try to connect my computer, on my printer using com5 ( port Com - Uberclock) , i have no answer from the printer.

I don't have a screen / lcd for my mb compatible with the motherboard

1.i need a lcd? it is necessary? what lcd i can use it for this motherboard?
2.i try it to make a firmware, with the firmware from the pack - nothing!
You do not need LCD.
I'll recommend using the MKS 28 or 32 boards.. very slick touch-screen which aren't more expensive than the old lcd types.

How do you try to make firmware? Firmware is literally a .bin file and a .txt file.
I have made an Instructables you might find usefull: Configuring MKS Sbase v1.2 32-bit Controller basics and intro to Smoothieware.

How do you connect?
Pronterface, or?
Baudrate needs to be 115200.
Smoothieware does not give a lot of info once connected like marlin.
Do you get no info or error info? No info might be fine.
edit: if you have not configured the config.txt file for YOUR printer, you can not expect it to do anything even when you connect to it.

Have you configured your printer via the config.txt file?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2016 03:41PM by dintid.

My Instructables - both total newbie instructables and some for intermediate users.
My Designs on Thingiverse
YouTube channel containing a few 3D printing videos - they are videos for my Instructables, and mostly not standalone.
Ultius / Tantillus Thingiverse Group
Re: New MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board from China
April 24, 2016 03:46PM
going have to do a abl sensor trial when i get that stage of my build as theres only the mechanical switch option i can find

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2016 03:48PM by chris33.

Check my rubbish blog for my prusa i3

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