Ive had this idea for a long time but havent built it to test yet. Mainly because im not sure there is a way to get firmware to control the motors and im not 100% sure the kinematics work out. Before i spend a lot of time trying this can anyone tell me if there is a way to get firmware to make this work? It would be similar to coreXY or something but not the same. To move in Y only both motorsby GITRDUN - General
Figured it out. There is a row of 3 pins and a seperate row of 2 pins. I had to connect the + wire to the + on the row of 3 pins and the - wire to - on the row of 2 pins. Makes no sense to wire the board that way so im sure something isnt right in my pins.h or something but it works anyways.by GITRDUN - General
Using a Rumba cloned main board running on 12 volts with Marlin. Installed 12V cooling fan but it will not run from the PWM pins. Runs when connected directly to 12V such as from power supply or any any spare 12v pins but will not turn on when connected to the PWM controlled pins. I measure roughly 12v on the PWM pins when speed is set to 255 and measure no voltage when speed is set to 0. So i koby GITRDUN - General
Well i ended up just swapping the PVA for standard PLA and using a heat gun to soften the PLA to remove it. I cant believe how well this works. I just hit with the heat gun on low setting for maybe 5~10 seconds and the PLA support just peels right off by hand like a piece of soft rubber. I printed the ABS on top of the PLA with 0 air gap. Even using the PLA to support holes and inner model supporby GITRDUN - General
Im stumped trying to print suports with PVA. I know this material is notorious for absorbing moisture but im not sure thats the culprit of my issues. Im using Monoprice PVA, or at least trying to. The material prints great but if you retract at all the material smooshes at the bottom of the hot end and jams when it tries to advance after retracting. Ive tried as low as 165C and as hot as 240C temby GITRDUN - General
Well ive spent a few days playing with the mixing extruders and now realize why they are not more popular for the reasons stated in the replys. The amount of wasted material and time that goes into printing a prime tower is ridiculous. For a small part i had probably 3X more material and time in the prime tower than in the finished part. The qualtiy of the finished part is very good, but not wortby GITRDUN - General
Why does the single nozzle mixing extruder seem to be less popular than using dual twin nozzles? I have no experience with either though i am getting ready to install a mixer. But it seems to me that a single nozzle dual extruder would be far easier and cheaper to use. Am i missing something?by GITRDUN - General
Im building my own machines. The frames are printed as a single large print rather than bolting things together. Uses 80% of a 1KG roll to print the frame and no bolts and nuts necessary. It prints on a 300 x 300mm build plate. I wanted something smaller than the standard prusa sized machine made from common easy to source components. And i need multiple units. I have a couple ive started puttingby GITRDUN - General
I am building some smaller machines using Prusa I3 design that have a printed frame but i have one issue related to total cost. It seems to be cheaper to buy a complete machine kit than it is to buy all of the components separately minus a frame. If i add up cost of all components its around $200+ to buy seperately. Thats in the range and a little higher than of a cheap kit with frame. Does anyonby GITRDUN - General
Im curious if a heated bed would still be necessary if using a heated enclosure. I need a really small heated bed but cannot find anything smaller than maybe 100 x 100 and thought maybe simply enclosing the printer and making a heat source would be good enough to not need a heated bed in the first place.by GITRDUN - General
I made a modified version of the Moveo arm to auto load one of my CNC machines. I have installed limit switches on XYZ and E axes. I am trying to use G38.2 to move E axis until an endstop is triggered but it only works for XY or Z axis. I can send (G38.2 G0 X-500. F300) and it will stop when i trigger the Z minimum end stop. This works for X Y or Z. But when i use it with E axis it will not stop.by GITRDUN - Firmware - Marlin
I cant seem to figure out if have my XY probe offset from extruder figured right in Marlin. My setup is this. Homes out at back right which is X0 Y0. X+ goes to the left, Y+ goes forwards towards me. My probe is 53 mm to the right of the nozzle on X and 0 on Y. Wouldnt that be X -53mm in the marlin probe offset setting? The nozzle doesnt follow the contour of the bed properly when using autoby GITRDUN - General
Swapped the drivers and made no difference. Put in some .9* motors and whoala. Quiet as can be. However i think the cheapo mother board is having trouble keeping up with three .9* motors running at the same time. Couple more upgrades and this thing will be ready to roll.by GITRDUN - Delta Machines
Bought a delta machine running on marlin. Everything working fine except i can not adjust the Z probe offset from the menu. The menu setting is there and reads correctly but when i click on it to adjust it it pops up with a strange number that is no where close to what it should be set at. And i can not adjust it to what it should be set to. My actual offset is .95mm, in the menu it shows -.95 buby GITRDUN - General
The drivers are whatever came with the kit. They are not Pololu but probably a Chinese knock off. I do have a set of extra A4988's somewhere. Guess it cant hurt to throw those in and see what happens. Worst case something smokes and i have an excuse to toss the cheap electronics.by GITRDUN - Delta Machines
Here is a video i found on Youtube of someone printing with one of these printers. Mine sounds just like this maybe a little louder though, hard to tell. My other printers do not sound this loud but are actually very smooth. I have Ramps 1.4 boards on my other printers, none of which are delta machines. Is it the cheap electronics board and drivers causing this? It has a Micromake Makeboard mainby GITRDUN - Delta Machines
It is definitely motor noise. A lot of high frequency vibration. Its a Micromake kossel machine. It has linear rails with ball bearing carriages. GT2 type belt and im sure the pulleys match but dont know positively. Ill see if i can get a short video of it tonight and upload it.by GITRDUN - Delta Machines
Bought a micromake delta and still fine tuning it. The steppers are LOUD and very choppy sounding. It has all the jumpers installed under the drivers. I turned the drivers voltages down from .6v to .45v and it still sounds terrible. Makes no difference at what speed its running they sound terrible at all speeds. Is this somewhat normal for this printer or am i missing something?by GITRDUN - Delta Machines
Found a good video that explains what i was after.by GITRDUN - Firmware - Marlin
Can someone point me to a write up on how to calibrate a delta? Ive googled and searched but dont seem to find anything that explains the delta calibration process for Marlin. At least nothing that goes into much detail. Bought a cheap delta for my kids to put together and learn with and i have 0 experience on a delta. Will be a learning experience for all i guess.by GITRDUN - Firmware - Marlin
I still have some old CNC machines that have paper tape readers and facit punch ports to input or output the part program. Its amazing how much things have changed just in my lifetime and im not that old.by GITRDUN - Firmware - Marlin
Well i noticed i had the configuration opened up in an older version of Arduino for some reason. I opened it up in the latest version and it compiled with making one minor change. I swear every time i want to make a minor change to anything its like starting all over and having to re learn everything from square one. Maybe im just getting to old for all this modern software.by GITRDUN - Firmware - Marlin
For the life of me i can not wrap my feeble mind around the probe offset and what the affected settings should be. I need some help. Ive spent 25 years manually programming CNC equipment and using CadCam software for the last 7 or 8 years. I dont know why this turns my brain inside out but i just cant nail it down. Had it working great and ended up changing to a 18mm inductive probe . After makby GITRDUN - Firmware - Marlin
Sometimes you cant see the forest through the trees i guess. That was it. I swear i had tried that about 5 times before to no avail. Must have had something else wrong at the time. Anyways that got me going. I appreciate the help. Have one other question maybe you can explain. When it runs the bed leveling procedure now the first probe in X and Y is at 0,0 on the display which is home position.by GITRDUN - Firmware - Marlin
Home position switches are to the back right, also X0 Y0 are back right. The Z probe is in front and to the left of the nozzle on the opposite side as the home position limit switches. The travel limits after homing are the offset from the nozzle to the probe in X and Y. When it homes and runs the bed leveling procedure the XY0 is shifted away from the limit switches by the amount of the probe ofby GITRDUN - Firmware - Marlin
I see one of the newer trends is to use a piezo sensor mounted to the hot end mount. Why not mount a piezo under each of the build plate corner mounts? Their pretty inexpensive so using 3 or 4 vs 1 is not going to break the bank. Wouldnt that be easier and sort of universal rather than having to engineer a way to mount a piezo into the hot end mount? Dont know, just an idea. Maybe somebody alreadby GITRDUN - General
I tried commenting out the minimum position limits and it still would not travel past 0.by GITRDUN - Firmware - Marlin
I am trying to get 1.1.8 tuned in but its been one struggle after another. Spent many hours today on this problem and cant seem to get past it. My setup is AtMega2560 in a Folgertech Cloner machine. It homes at the back right which is X0Y0. The Z probe is mounted in front of and to the left of the extruder in the positive direction on X and Y. I can not get the machine to travel to a negativeby GITRDUN - Firmware - Marlin
I updated my Arduino to the latest version and it seemed to get rid of a lot of the compiling errors. Have other problems now but i will make a new thread for that.by GITRDUN - Firmware - Marlin