davmj: Please also try downloading the STL file from Thingiverse and loading that into RepRap host... I think you will see the issue then. I suspect this issue was caused by a bug in OpenSCAD that has recently been fixed, and that (in the past) some Thingiverse uploaders did not check that their STL files were loadable by RepRap host before uploading them to Thingiverse. Result: the .scad filesby jmarsden - RepRap Host
Anyone can register to get an account, and then add pages and files to the wiki -- there no need to be a core team member to do that. We want everyone who is involved in RepRap to be able to improve our documentationby jmarsden - Reprappers
Cefiar: Can we get a few details, so that this strange "Java on Ubuntu" issue can be duplicated and investigated, please? I'm running the RepRap host software on Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop amd64 under openjdk, and it can open files just fine. I created my own wrapper script to use the (64bit) Ubuntu java libraries, not the 32bit ones that come included with the reprap-mendel-*.zip file, but that isby jmarsden - Reprappers
At first glance, the issue is perhaps related to the fact that all 3 axes are changing at once. I think the usual layered approach to printing on a RepRap would never do that; we print one layer, then adjust Z, then print the next layer. A quick check on a sample complex gcode file (one created from tray-1.rfo by the reprap host code) shows no such G0 or G1 moves in X, Y and Z at once, at all,by jmarsden - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Quotenite69 I think missing support for support material is the major disadvantage of RepRap What leads you to that conclusion? How much RP printing have you done? How many objects have you designed that are completely impractical to print on a RepRap until you have working support material extrusion? Do you have a collection of these online somewhere? My sense is that in practice, you can pby jmarsden - Plastic Extruder Working Group
ftpaccess: Please add information on your large Reprap machine design to the wiki. Is it a Mendel Apollo like design, or something different? When you try to print something larger than the default build volume of the reprap host software, what happens? What error messages are you seeing, and what gets printed? If you can provide more detailed information, we are more likely to be able to helby jmarsden - Experimental
Correctly upgrading properties files as the software changes is a relatively awkward problem in some circumstances, and the workarounds are straightforward (delete the file, or use a text editor to manually merge new stuff into the old one, if you need to keep your old settings values intact). So the reprap.org team did the obvious thing: ignored it completely Yes, this could be considered a bby jmarsden - Reprappers
QuoteTraumflug ... having a daily build working on all platforms uploaded somewhere would be just great, but I don't volunteer. I do, at least unofficially Let's see how http://jonathan.reprap.org/nightly-builds/ works for a few days. It just uses the host-release-package script, so "working on all platforms" is not yet true for 64bit systems.by jmarsden - RepRap Host
Thanks... that makes sense, and helps... but it also makes me wonder why Debian and Ubuntu must be packaging up an "old" version of those libraries, in that case? On Ubuntu 10.04 I have libjava3d-java 1.5.2+dfsg-5 and Debian has nothing newer than that. So to avoid carrying the extra library around in my (planned/unfinished) reprap-host package, I'll probably have to package the STL loader codeby jmarsden - RepRap Host
Every version of the reprap host software since at least 27 May 2006 has had a reprap.properties.dist file. In released versions, it is (or should be!) found inside the reprap.jar file (which is a zip format archive, as are all .jar files, but please do not change anything inside there unless you really know what you are doing with .jar files). When a user makes a change to any property in theby jmarsden - Reprappers
QuoteTraumflug Is there a good place for uploading this package other than one of the generic sharehosters (rapidshare, megaupload, ...)? The Wiki? Yes, the wiki should be fine, unless the package is really *huge* . QuoteTraumflug Actually, it was a Windows user asking for an up-to-date package. :-) So... are you proposing uploading a modified reprap-mendel-20100625.zip that works on 64bit Windby jmarsden - RepRap Host
Thanks for updating the docs. The design files are under mendel/ not host/ so you need to check out both subtrees. So (for me, at least!) I can build a release .zip file including the design files and the reprap host software by doing mkdir ~/repraptest cd repraptest svn -q co h\ttps://reprap.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/reprap/trunk/reprap/host svn -q co h\ttps://reprap.svn.sourceforge.net/svby jmarsden - RepRap Host
The dfrduino should work fine, if it is cheaper for you,go for it. I'm in California, which is why I picked a USA-based supplier Compiling, uploading, running and playing with Joaz' firmware has gone fine for me. Being a core team member, I'd prefer to be using "official" firmware as my starting point, but for now I'll use whatever variant works! Click on my signature below this post to seeby jmarsden - Sanguino(lolu)
There is no need to reinstall to return the reprap host software to defaults! Just delete the reprap.properties file, which is under ~/.reprap/ on Unix-like host OSes. I forget where it ends up under Windows.by jmarsden - RepRap Host
I think was the last person to make changes to build-user.xml, in January... of 2008. Like you, I tend to avoid Eclipse There is a script called host-package-release which does all the work needed to create a reprap-mendel-20100624.zip "release" file, including compiling the reprap host code into Java bytecode and creating a .jar containing it. The key ant command is ant clean jar. This (stiby jmarsden - RepRap Host
Another alternative: the Seeeduino Mega is US$39.50 from NKC Electronics... different board form factor, so Mega shields will not work, but as long as you know this, it seems great. I have Joaz' Reprap firmware running in mine...by jmarsden - Sanguino(lolu)
This kind of sourcing issue is a good reason to determine costs and sources of all the parts for your entire RepRap project first, including sales taxes and shipping, before buying anything significant -- then you will know more clearly what is involved, and you can do your best to minimize your shipping costs, reduce your total number of vendors, etc. You'll still make a mistake or two, being hby jmarsden - General Mendel Topics
One more thought: You can easily test by using a serial terminal emulator, and see what happens. Something as simple as a screen /dev/ttyUSB0 command from a (Linux bash) shell window should be enough to get you communicating with your RepRap microcontroller. Then type GCode at it, and see how it responds.by jmarsden - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Reprap firmware consumes (a subset of) GCode similarly to other GCode-using CNC machines worldwide. What sort of confirmation messages from the microcontroller are you expecting or hoping will be there? For more general info on GCode, read its reference docs such as http://linuxcnc.org/handbook/gcode/g-code.html, although note that current RepRap firmware does not implement GCode fully accordinby jmarsden - Firmware - mainstream and related support
The protocol (set of accepted GCode and what it does) changes over time and differs between firmware variants. There are relevant wiki pages which may help, such as Mendel_User_Manual:_RepRapGCodes; reading the firmware source code for your firmware of choice is probably the more reliable way to determine exactly what it accepts and does.by jmarsden - Firmware - mainstream and related support
There is something odd about the Category:Twiki page... I think the automated import from the Twiki may be responsible in some way for that. I do not think you are missing thousands of pages of wonderful useful information, though As far as I know, the page http://reprap.org/wiki/Special:AllPages currently shows you four sub pages, and between them they list all pages of the wiki (that you havby jmarsden - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Quotejmarsden It might be simple and quick to just hack the default to always "Keep a copy"... I wonder if anyone would complain about such a change? Let's find out. Change madeby jmarsden - Administration, Announcements, Policy
MB: Making the default for "Keep a copy" configurable is almost certainly doable. The Phorum software is open source, so we can change it to do our bidding, given enough time. This is probably a relatively small patch. However, this isn't a high priority for the core team... we're all busy people. If you can send me a working patch that adds this kind of capability, I'll definitely take a lby jmarsden - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Traumflug: Thanks, you are correct. FreeCAD can import these files . OpenSCAD does not offer STEP import, and I was unable to get HeeksCAD to import Isaac-2010-04-14.stp , it just hangs, or is incredibly slow to do anything with it (on a quad-core desktop with 6GB RAM... not usually a slow machine). I saw the proprietary stuff in the file, so it seemed to me the file was in itself closed. Mby jmarsden - Mechanics
If you are going to mill a set of custom parts to create a Mendel, rather than using the original RP parts designs, it might be worth starting from a design that is intended to be CNCed, such as the Fleming brothers' Isaac Mendel-based redesign. See the Isaac wiki page. The source CAD files for Isaac files seem to be only available in a closed proprietary file format used by Alibre, unfortunateby jmarsden - Mechanics
Quotestam ... one of the main differences between wade's and andrian's extruders is that andrian's is "# Designed to work at higher extrude speeds than the standard Mendel extruder, giving shorter build times." I think you are a bit confused here. The two geared NEMA 17 stepper driven extruder designs by Wade and Adrian are both intended to allow high extrude speeds. Both are significantly faby jmarsden - Reprappers
Alright people, LaTeX math now works in our Mediawiki... have fun geeking out with itby jmarsden - Administration, Announcements, Policy
I looked at this tonight, and turned on more options in the wiki, and compiled some TeX-related tools, but sadly it still has an issue I have not tracked down while trying to generate the image of the LaTeX formula. So now the wiki says: Failed to parse (PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex, dvips, gs, and convert): \beta = \frac{\ln\left ( \frac{R}{R_{0}} \right )}{(\by jmarsden - Administration, Announcements, Policy
This is a good find. All the officially supported board types (in /usr/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/boards.txt specify the arduino protocol, it is only Zach's sanguino config file that specifies the stk500 one). I'm guessing, but I suspect this is most likely a historical artifact, and the sanguino config files have not been kept fully updated. In contrast to the difficulties you had, my Seeby jmarsden - General