Hi, i have recently been playing around with using my printer as a plotter and I got asked to draw some invitations. If I google single line or open contour fonts I find some but Im looking specifically for something that looks more like calligraphy. Has anyone ever come across some good looking fonts like this? Cheersby sungod3k - Reprappers
update: turns out its the temperature. I had to lower the temp by 10C and now the extrusion is buttery smooth. dont ask my how the temp apparently dropped so much without triggering runout errors, but now it works.by sungod3k - Printing
@digital dentist: that could be something. im using duet and ill do a print with relative extrusion tonight. thanksby sungod3k - Printing
maybe, earlier versions of this model i printed with 25mms and my setup can handle that and it still looked bad also speed would not explain why only certain parts are bad because the perimeter speed doesnt change this is screenshot from cura, the outer wall speed looks consistentby sungod3k - Printing
Hi, Ive been printing in flex materials recently and i've observed this weird behavior. The outer perimeter looks pretty bad and patchy but then for a good portion it looks normal. The perimeter speed is around 10-15 mms and I see no other underextrusion artifacts. Top surfaces look normal. The good and the bad portions are the same all around the model and I cant see any reason why this paby sungod3k - Printing
Yes, that sounds like something usable. I have a rough sketch of the mechasim, and in this vid you can see the trigger through the housing. I just dont want to reinvent the wheel and calibrate distances over several prototypesby sungod3k - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Hi, Im looking for a trigger mechanism that can repeat itself without the need to cock the firing pin. I basically want to hit a bell repeatedly. I remember that toy revolvers like this have exactly the kind of action i need. Has someone come across a model or drawing of such a mechanism somewhere?by sungod3k - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Yes great, thanks, "placeholder" is a better term to google.by sungod3k - Reprappers
Hi, Ive been using S3D for some time and I wanted to transfer my starting scripts to other slicers, mainly PrusaSlicer and Cura4. Here part of my start script: G28 G32 G0 X0 Y0 Z50 M109 S M190 S G0 Z30 ... Its hard to google somehow with keywords like "start script variables" etc, so has someone ever found a list or post, where all these variables like "extruder0_temperature" and "first_laby sungod3k - Reprappers
Hi, if youre giving up your machine and want to get rid of parts I would buy your duet smart effector. Cheersby sungod3k - For Sale
That sounds to me like a thing to change in your slicer, just dont auto center your parts or change your center point in the slicer settings.by sungod3k - General
How did you calibrate the endstops? Are you sure nothing changed? because that would be weird. Also do you plan on using any autocalibration? If however youre describing the koncave or konvex motion then your delta radius is probably the culprit.by sungod3k - Delta Machines
found this which answers the whole topic quite well. Its hard to imagine all the details but from the way i imagine the colorchanging process, it should indeed be possible to treat the motors as extra axis that need no extra controller. and appearently there are already two projects that recreated the mechanismby sungod3k - Reprappers
Hi, I recently ran into a MMU2 package on Aliexpress here that got me thinking if and how one could use that on non prusa printers. There seems to be no consensus if the custom control board would even integrate with a non prusa controller. If the controller is too special, controlling 3 extra motors and a filament sensor with an expansion board should be possible. Has someone ever tried thisby sungod3k - Reprappers
QuoteSrek The order of magnitude you noticed is quite realistic. good to know.by sungod3k - Reprappers
Has someone ever tried using a bigger blower fan to pump air through a hose? Common knowledge says that centrifugal fans have more pressure than axial fan, but how much more? its a bit hard to find pressure data for the cheap blower fans. but here it says ca 350 pa the berd air pump however says 80kpa thats one order of magnitude more...by sungod3k - Reprappers
Aha, what convinced you to go from no control to switchable?by sungod3k - Reprappers
Quoteleadinglights A system such as the Mosquito may well work very well for most prints but may have problems if heat is finding other routes past the heatbreak. If the print and the filament need frequent retraction this may take more heat past the heatbreak area. Another source of excess heating will occur in heated enclosures and this will be aggravated if the filament has already been warmedby sungod3k - Reprappers
Yeah i watched some more vids about the mosquito and it delivers with a small fan by default. What motivated you to build that setup? I dont see a heated chamber, or did you just notice that you dont need a fan?by sungod3k - Reprappers
Check it out. I just saw toms video about the mosquito hotend. Ive seen that before on the bondtec site and kind of dismissed it, but here they explain the concept. At 4:50 they also mention that the heatbreak is now so thin that it appearantly doesnt require a heatsink fan. Im not 100% convinced because the heatsink is so small, but its an interesting concept. If this would work as advertisedby sungod3k - Reprappers
I see, yeah im still debating if control over the model cooling air stream is necessary, but having split air stream that can be closed by a small controllable valve is imaginable.by sungod3k - Reprappers
Interesting so youre going to the model cooling first and the "rest" of the air is used for hotend cooling?by sungod3k - Reprappers
That looks good and meets the specs that I was thinking about. Do you want to share a pic of you cooling setup?by sungod3k - Reprappers
Alles alu profile, netzteil, motoren, delta 2040 ecken, hiwin rails, 9mm gt2 belt. Wollte einfach mal schauen wo genetel eingekauft wird. Ist ja immer gut mehrere shops zu auswahl zu haben.by sungod3k - Allgemeines
Well im thinking about getting a 2nd smart effector but 2 way mixing requires a new hotend and the e3d cyclops isnt cheap. although testing the concept with a china hotend will probably do. Also Im not sure if one still needs to feed both channels at the same time to avoid the hot filament escaping upwards into the 2nd channel. Needing a 2nd spool of filament of the same type just to feed 5% intoby sungod3k - Reprappers
Hi, 2 years ago I got myself parts for dual extrusion with a y-splitter like this or this . The main issue with this system was that the pulling out the filament out of the hot nozzle would leave strings that would hinder feeding the material back in. This was mainly concerning PLA, I also tested ABS which had less stringing but wasn't perfect in that regard. There were some different approachby sungod3k - Reprappers
To state the obvious. Have you checked that the homing correctly set. Direction and homing travel distance? Also to check the firmware, just start with a clean marlin config and just modify the basic to fit your machine. That should give you an indication if its the firmware or notby sungod3k - Reprappers
Ich denke auch grad über ne beheitzte kammer nach. Berd air würd ich mir mal anschauen. Bzw ne aquarium luftpumpe die luft von außerhalb beiführen kann.by sungod3k - Allgemeines
Hi, bei mir steht mal wieder eine Upgraderunde für meine Drucker an. Ich denke ich kenn für die meisten teile, einen vernünftigen Shop, aber was mir jetzt bei der Recherche aufgefallen ist, ist das man doch nicht drumherum kommt bei 2-3 Shops bestellen zu müssen. Openbuilds hat vieles, aber die US Versandkosten lohnen sich nur, wenn man komplett im Vslot System ist. Linear rails werden die niby sungod3k - Allgemeines
Winder and Caliper wont work indeed. The tension the caliper would cause is too much. But I can imagine the hardware from the winder being used if the sensing mechanism is replaced by the caliper, and we add tensioning and a water bath. this guy tried it but the caliper wasnt suitable this guy has a pretty advanced setup but i havent figured out if he uses a feedback loop at all.by sungod3k - green talk