Hej Tiger & Lasse! Jag tror inte man behöver alls ge sig och hacka in i reprap-mjukvaran för att få till detta. Arduino elektroniken matar ur sig "step" och "dir" signaler som är vanliga i många PC-parallelports baserade cnc utrustningar, typ mach 3 och liknande. Jag har själv tänkt låta Arduinon driva ett standard stegmotor kort köpt på ebay. Kolla in denna länk så ser ni vad jag menar:by mimarob - Sweden, Gothenburg RepRap User Group
Hej igen alla! Roligt att det finns så många här som är tillräckligt tokiga för att vilja bygga en reprap maskin. Mina problem med extrudern (Darwin) är lite otajming mest. Jag hakade på generation 1 elektroniken, tydligen hade den en lite kass termostat funktion. Lagom tills jag lyckades bygga ihop allt så körde Zach et. al. in på Arduino spåret Nu har jag byggt mig generation 2 grejor (fortfby mimarob - Sweden, Gothenburg RepRap User Group
Hi! I just found these bolts at mcmaster. It seems that there are vented bolts (first time I saw this). Check this one out, it has a hole about 0.1" for air venting. Should be relatively easy to drill out to the 3mm size! Cool thing is this is probably a standard product, i.e. there should be more sources Or go: Fastening & Joining => Fasteners => Screws and bolts => Socket Capby mimarob - Mechanics
Hej! Jag finns i Stockholm, har en XYZ mojäng byggd i MDF m.m. efter en kommersiell ritning. Köpte lite skrot från RRRF för nåt år sedan men har inte fått extrudern att fungera nåt vidare.by mimarob - Sweden, Gothenburg RepRap User Group
Just came across this paper from Mexico. They sure know how to do a lot with a little. Especially cool that it can handle surface mounts (claims downto 0.5 mm but I wonder if my banana fingers could do that) In the paper they mention that threading the wire was the most time consuming part. After the threading you would scrape the insulation on the component side and then just solder the coby mimarob - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hi I just got an arduino and got the development environment up etc. My question just, is it possible to run gdb directly on target, either via the GUI or on a command line? Any one tried this?by mimarob - RepRap Host
Think the easiest way to do first-order-regression is to plot all coordinates on a paper and then draw an averageing line through the points, everyone does this in basic physics. They use the square metric because of some mathematical simplicity, so you end up with a curve which minimises the error as a sum of all the squares of the distances from the points to the line. I just looked at the wiby mimarob - Controllers
So I got a spool of ABS plastic. Having before extruded CAPA successfully (extruded not printed since I had to roll the filament myself) Now I tried to extrude some ABS. The motor feeding the filament seems to work good enough, but as mentioned before somewhere the PTFE barrel pops out of the clamp. That is ok I belive there was a fix for that somewhere. My problem seems to be that the temperaby mimarob - Reprappers
Haven't looked in this thread for quite a while! Forrest, I'm sorry if I annoy you, but it is really hard to find such knowledge about just anything, than on this forum. So its very hard to resist posting questions even if they are far from the reprap machine! My original thoughts was if this could be the solution to the energy-storage problem at large or if there where some obvious costs prohiby mimarob - General
I know there is a thread here somewhere where Viktor makes Star Wars chocolate for his kid but I think he first made a form in which to pour the chocolade,by mimarob - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hm are you going to heat up the concrete? Thought it might be a little resistant to heat compared to metal? Or is the scetch incomplete on the lower side? If you are using metal for the heater, how do you connect it to the mud/concrete?by mimarob - Plastic Extruder Working Group
hmm yes if you cook this in the micro I'd suggest leaving it to cool afterwards for some time would probably be safer than the preassure cooker. Is this compatible with the instructions? Any one knows if this is a thermoplastic, i.e. if you can re-melt it after production?by mimarob - Plastic Extruder Working Group
hmm, does it have an electric feeder button or do you squeeze it repeatedly like a normal glue gun? Could something like this be used to make filament?by mimarob - Plastic Extruder Working Group
My second home computer that I got in 1983 was assembled this way :-)by mimarob - Mechanics
Hello! I just looked around at this batteries in use in EV's and other high-power devices. Looking great! Although a bit steep in price they have overcome the worst problem with the LiIon batterys, risk of meltdown. Somewhere I saw stated that the price of Lithium is what defines the price of these accumulators. Anyone knows how much lithium (by weight) these batteries contain? Is it more orby mimarob - General
I think the transparency should be placed between the light source and the lens. Then you could have a knob to adjust focus just like an old fashioned Overhead- or Dia- projector. If you used a Dia projector you could load its magasine with 24 pictures and change for each exposure with the remote control :-) Doensn't glass block UV-light BTW?by mimarob - General
Funny, we have a super noveaux SAP system at my place of work. It also is totally dependent on the faxmachine. My college wanted to order something from a progressive company, i.e. no fax - impossible :-) My suggestion: Give your own faxbox number and take the fax and stuff it in the snailmail :-) Hmm, how do you get the fax from the cellphone to the computer?? About a hundred years ago theby mimarob - Reprappers
I just hooked up a serial port listener to the reprap software. I found some strange results. I choose the tester-exerciser program from the reprap 0.4 Live-CD Even so, I get the following hex string over and over again: 54 51 31 08 00 00 BA I interpret this as: 54 sync 51 HDB2 31 HDB1 08 dst address Extruder (!!!) 00 src address PC 00 version command BA crc The strange thing is, dst addrby mimarob - Controllers
Thats great :-) If industri at large where anywhere near this project in the way of working, we'd all have weekend retreats on Mars by now ! Yeah, one has to emulate the devices, just like the arduino does! Stuff like "feedstock empty" of course has to be faked in a batch printer solution, but I don't think it is in use today anyway?by mimarob - Controllers
Hello again! I do some java and linux for a living, but it still took me a day or two to completely fail and then resort to the Live-CD so I guess there are a few things need simplifying. OK, now I caught up on my reading, you are using your own slice-and-dice program, that must require at least some talent ;-) Being a former software engineer I do almost anything to avoid serious programmingby mimarob - Controllers
It just struck me that it might be silly to spend to much effort discussing which cpu or memory card solution is the best, lets leave that to darwinism ;-) But.. I read a little on the S.N.A.P. protocol this morning and the question that arose was: Is it possible to "eat away" the character stream coming from the host, happily ack:ing away all messages and store into a large enough memory of somby mimarob - Controllers
Sorry Brendan. You are right. I will start my own thread on this!by mimarob - EMC2
Just my 2 cents.. A guy here called Fernando is the guru on photopolymers and has done some mixing. Look around the threads and the blogs, there is tons of cool material. For the projection system, hm 1280x1024 seems familiar. Could it be that they are using a chip used in projection systems in ordinary home-cinema equipment. If so, this is good news, since these chips are manufactured for a coby mimarob - General
"It all seemed like a good idea at the time, why not use the sun as the source for preparing the food instead of walking for miles with 20-40kg of firewood on your back..." I just found two wonderful articles on third-world technologies that I wanted to share: "DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF A REGENERATIVE RECHARGEABLE SOLAR STOVE SYSTEM". From what I understand it was developed at a Univeristy iby mimarob - RepLab Working Group
Sounds great!! I haven't got into the Arduino board yet, still playing around with the PIC's :-/ The PIC's use more raw signals that control the coils directly, each signal - one-half of an h-bridge + enable signals I have done some half-hearted attempts to invent a reverse state-machine that will make this into a step/dir interface. I thought the Arduino used the same stepper driver?by mimarob - EMC2
damn it! I got hold of a USB adaptor that loads nicely with the reprap live-cd, all automagically it pops up as /dev/ttyUSB0 I used it with some "normal" usages, talking to routers and serial connected computers at work and alike, but with reprap it just refuses. I know that my reprap circuits and the computer are working since it works on the normal serial port of the computer!by mimarob - General
Waow this thread is awesome! Just my thoughts I have a home-built half-finnished MDF-board CNC machine with a really good stepper driver. I have done some basic tests interfacing to its parallel port interface with some 8-bit micro I had lying around. Since the parallel ports are a definite end-of-life I think there is a need for replacement (don't think those usb-to-parallel dongles would woby mimarob - EMC2
You run into a hell of a lot of issues with gate voltage levels. In the end you need complimentary P/N pairs or a bunch of different voltages and level converters. I tried building something like this but it kept frying the transistors :-( chopping seems to be aggressive to the circuits as well. I'd stick with ready mades all the time. Motor drivers are just not worth the trouble unless you aby mimarob - Controllers
Helping to piss off the production industri is actually reward enough :-E I'm not really the creative mechanical constructor/designer type, but some of my friends are. They often talk about how wonderful things they could accomplish if only.. Right now these people are building things from scrap in a one-of-a-kind fashion, without giving a thought to the question of sourcing. With the (future)by mimarob - General
this is a real head-banger. My thoughts was to find a decently hard material that can then be rinsed of with some kind of catalyser that doesn't affect the plastic. how about gelatine? to wobbly?by mimarob - Plastic Extruder Working Group