Your z height needs to be set correctly. The z end stop is not actually an end stop per se but a probe. so calibrate the height first with the paper method l. Set that using m665 or edit the config. Then edit your slicer start gcode and replace g28 with g32 or put g32 after thetazzbot - General
Yes those are the thetazzbot - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Ok I've been looking at both the firmware and the web control code and was wondering if the issue with throughput is attributed to XMLHTTPREQUEST. Have you attempted this method? This basically uses a straight form post with a file field to submit the data to the server (the Duet firmware) rather than XMLHTTPREQUEST. I might be able to test this theory, depending on how the firmware reacts tby thetazzbot - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I use the 5v in header to connect to the powersupply. I have literally had zero problems using usb. I also have not tried to print 20 hour prints either. Anyway 150 to 400kbits per sec is not fast. Its mediocre at best. I have a high speed sd card but yes I can see how that would be an issue. The primary factor is the buffer size in both the firmware and the javascript xmlwebrequest. Perhaps soby thetazzbot - Controllers
Quotedc42 The RAMPS-FD version 1 has a number of design issues. There are supposedly fixed in version 2 but AFAIK that has never been produced. However, there is another shield available called RADDS, which I hear works well. The all-in-one boards mentioned above (Duet and Smoothieboard) have Ethernet ports and support a web interface. In the case of the Duet, it is a very good one with fast filby thetazzbot - Controllers
I can't figure out why the filament is ejecting ALL THE WAY OUT of my bowden tube after a print finishes when i switched to the Duet/Dc42 firmware... I thought it was these lines in the default "end gcode" for the cura slicer that repetier host uses: ;G91 ; Relative positioning ;{IF_EXT0}T0 ;G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position ;{IF_EXT0}G1 E-1 ; Reduce filament pressure ;G92 E0 ; Reset extruder poby thetazzbot - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I found the code and "specification" actually in Marlin_Main.cpp On the Gcodes wikipedia it just says Set temp and wait. Fair enough. , lines 3922 - 3953 Honestly, it is not a huge issue, except for the display. However, since I'm not using the web interface, I'm wondering if it is reporting temp during heat up as well, because I do not see any code that does this. It is mildly interestingby thetazzbot - Firmware - mainstream and related support
The market observations are interesting. Here are my thoughts. The promise of on demand manufacturing that 3d printing represented and caught the eye of the media has not been fully realized because of the temperamental nature of these machines and the technology they employ. This is not an every-man hobby. You have to have a particular set of skills and patience to just not end up smashing tby thetazzbot - General
Just reporting in some more on the "wait for tool to heat up" issue. Repetier sends this Gcode ; Activate all used extruder M104 T0 S240 G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position ; Wait for all used extruders to reach temperature M109 T0 S240 I see in GCodes.cpp M104 and M109 are marked as deprecated. Since the other open source printer host software relies on Marlin standard Gcode to work accordingby thetazzbot - Firmware - mainstream and related support
This is the traffic I see if I manually request a bed temp or hot end temp: 12:37:38.147 : ok T:24.1 B:34.8 12:37:41.194 : N728 M105 *10 12:37:41.204 : serial: N728 M105 *10 12:37:41.208 : ok T:24.3 B:34.8 12:38:30.204 : serial: N745 M105 *1 12:38:30.209 : ok T:23.8 B:32.9 12:38:33.252 : N746 M105 *2 12:38:33.262 : serial: N746 M105 *2 12:38:33.266 : ok T:26.0 B:32.7 12:38:36.321 : N747 M105by thetazzbot - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I'm not using the web interface because i don't like it And I like Repetier Host. I likes what I likes. So I have a new problem. I upgraded to 1.09r and now the printer will not move up or down. I suppose the new version is not backwards compatible with the older version's config file or something?? didn't change the config. Just flashed the new version. disregard that... I ran the M111 Sby thetazzbot - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Dave, Thanks for your continued support of this firmware! I have been away from it all for quite a while. I would like to know if it is possible, and how, to minimize the diagnostics messages coming back through USB? I don't see a need to send all this back to the host continuously outside of debugging? 08:59:57.345 : DDA: end=[0.000000 0.000000 229.199997] d=3.060485 vec=[-0.283392 -0.959by thetazzbot - Firmware - mainstream and related support
There is a setting in configuration_adv.h that specifies lcd refresh interval this is also used to poll the encoder. It may have a high default thetazzbot - General
I have seen numerous corexy designs that use a lot of individual parts. Mostly printed. I had concerns about the quantity and quality of 3d printed parts so I decided to jump off the reprap wagon and go with water jet cut aluminum single plate design. My solidworks "work in progress" photo attached. It is named Markobot. This is the version with top mounted z motor. In latets design I opted forby thetazzbot - CoreXY Machines
I just printed a square/cube. measured the sides and they are different by about .5mm Any ideas what I can adjust?by thetazzbot - Printing
Nothing. The firmware has whats called a planner. It is a table of adjustment values. It will remember them until you do a g28. So if you home you have to repeat the auto bed level dance. You can setup your before and after gcodes to do both before each print or do neither and instead go to a parking position after a print. If you do not print multiple consecutive prints i would do it at the sby thetazzbot - Delta Machines
Have you seen this project on kickstarter???by thetazzbot - Reprappers
Guys.. It is Firmware Attachment Disorder. We need to help him through the healing processby thetazzbot - Developers
Get Rich Cattels marlin. It has m666 and m206 But i find adjustment screws on the carriages invaluableby thetazzbot - Delta Machines
Up to 1.4aby thetazzbot - Delta Machines
Well i can promise the display wont improve the pri t quality lol Something went really wrong with my printer at the same time i went to upgrade to the duet. I didnt have any successful printing at all for two days of fighting with it. Im not blaming the duet. I discovered my motors were hot and possibly causing lost steps. I turned down the pots on the ramps board. Once im convinced there areby thetazzbot - Delta Machines
Quoteo_lampe @dc42 do you see any chance in implementing support for a Toshiba FlashAir-SD card into your branch? It would provide SD-memory and WiFi in one device. But it needs a full size SD-socket. That might be a good reason to also implement a RRD "smart-LCD" with encoder and fullsize SD-card. -Olaf actually that is pretty nifty. it allows *other* devices to access an sd card plugged intoby thetazzbot - Delta Machines
I would recommend looking at the eeprom settings M501 will show whats stored in eeprom then look at M666 and M206, depending on which version of marlin you have. when in doubt, clear the eeprom (M502) and then save it (M500).by thetazzbot - Delta Machines
its not hitting a blob. it was just shifting entirely on one axis... if looking at the printer, X tower on left, Y on right, Z at the back, the layers shifted to the back. The current setting is about 50% of the motor's rated. figured it was a good starting point. i'm printing in white otherwise would take a picture. White is very hard to photographby thetazzbot - Delta Machines
Printer was printing fine with ultimaker arduino combo but I wanted "modern electronics"... So i upgraded to duet and dc42 firmware and spent two solid days trying to get a print. Travles are nice and smooth, endstops correctly set. Motor current set at 650. Belts tight everything normal but the layers are aweful and look like my prusa when it skips and shifts the layers. Printing 20x20x20 cubeby thetazzbot - Delta Machines
Well the question was one of weight, and that video shows one with the extruder motor riding on the effector. thereby negating any concerns one might have on effector weight. the OP didn't say speed was importantby thetazzbot - Delta Machines
Watch this video and pay close attention to the effector an extruder.. I dont think the weight you are referring to is detrimental. It may even improve print thetazzbot - Delta Machines
I know this is going to sound funny but im going to say... Stop manually moving x and y Here is why. On a cartesian printer each axis is independent and you can freely move one alone. A delta printer is not so. All three axis work in unison to put the nozzle on a point in 3 dimensional space. You therefore have to move all three at once. So here is what I did to help my brain remember thetazzbot - Delta Machines
Quotedc42 Quotesungod3k As for 32bit. Its interesting, when I looked last week i found ramps fd post that I didnt see half a year ago when there was only a very beta board from geetech. But now I also found RADDS for due, which I also didn't see before. I especially like the ability for DVR8825 drivers but the pricepoint is in the same region as a new Duet and the .6 duet is also getting old I thby thetazzbot - Delta Machines
Yeah, i got it squared away. thanks again for your help. And thanks for your contributions to the delta community!by thetazzbot - Delta Machines