I still suspect that the problem may have to do with the high step rates, which from your screenshot account to 20k-24k steps/sec at max feed rates, whereas the RepRap Wiki gives a maximum of about 10k steps/sec for a RAMPS/Mega/Marlin setup. Have you tried lowering the max speeds (feed rates)?von enif - RAMPS Electronics
What speed, steps/mm and microstepping are you using? Maybe you are trying to run the motors too fast. Have you already tried with a much lower speed?von enif - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteOSSSA Hello. help me please. I have assembled the display and am unable to apply the patch to my configuration. Here is my machine configuration. Thanks I don't know what patch you applied and to which version of Marlin, and I can't find any trace of my patches in your Configuration.h. A good point to start if using Marlin 1.1 is here.von enif - Controllers
Könntest du uns ein Bild von deinem Extruder/Hotend posten? So könnte man sehen, um was es sich genau handelt und ob von aussen schon mal alles okay aussieht (Lüfter, Heatbreak, ...). Hat das Hotend innen einen Teflonschlauch? Und wenn ja, ist der in gutem Zustand und schliesst direkt an die Düse an? Hast du schon mal mit einem kleineren Retract (oder zum Testen sogar 0) probiert? Wenn die Revon enif - Extruder, Hotends & verschiedene Materialien
Hast du schon mal den generierten G-Code genauer angeschaut? Könnte es sein, dass die Rundungen in viel zu viele extrem kurze Segmente geteilt ist, so dass die Verlangsamung in den Kurven darauf zurückzuführen sein könnte?von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
@Evans: Ooops - from your reply I gather that you must be referring to the initial patch in the very first message of this (old) thread. Please try the modifications I posted in September 2018 speciafically for version 1.1.9...von enif - Controllers
@Evans: Strange... I also use Marlin 1.1.9 and the rotary encoder works without problems. When you rotate the encoder, does this change the flow percentage? Could you give us some more information on your setup, and may be photos?von enif - Controllers
Quoteflow First try failed to connect SCL and SDA to pin D20 and D21 with VCC and GND in AUX3 as well. May be you mixed up the two signals? If I am not mistaken, D20 should be connected to SDA and D21 to SCL.von enif - Controllers
This week I finally got the BTT SKR V1.3 board, which I ordered a loooong time ago. It's very similar to the V1.4 board, but -unfortunately!- the SCL and SDA signals are not available on a dedicated I2C header. Instead, these pins are used for the STEP and DIR signals of the second extruder E1. However, if you only use one extruder E0, then you can use the Tiny OLED display in the same way witvon enif - Controllers
I just received one the these new 32-bit boards from Bigtreetech, the BTT SKR V1.4 based on the LPC1768 ARM32-bit processor. This board runs well with Marlin2, I use version downloaded from here and compile it with PlatformIo. Of course, my first question was, how to get my Tiny Oled I2C display controller to work with this new board... As it turns out, this was not too difficult, it wavon enif - Controllers
@ Johetan: When trying to make my Tiny OLED work under Marlin with the BigTreeTech BTT SKR V1.4, I ran into the same problem as you with that shifted display. I also tried all kind of remedies, such as the ones you tried as well, but with no success... Finally I looking at the file Marlin/src/HAL/LPC1768/u8g/u8g_com_HAL_LPC1768_ssd_hw_i2c.cp, I saw that there were some commented out stavon enif - Controllers
En general, je prefere ne pas mettre les radiateurs, mais regler le courant au minimum necessaire pour un bon fonctionnement et -si necessaire- de mettre un petit ventilateur pour 'souffler' vers les drivers... (mais je n'essaie pas d'atteindre des records de vitesse avec mes imprimantes non plus) Note que si le probleme est en effet du a un surchauffement, ca ne donne rien de baisser juste vitevon enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Se pourrait-il qu'un de tes stepper drivers devient trop chaud? Dans ce cas il s'arrete brievement pour refroidir, perd des pas et cause alors un decalage dans l'axe concernee.von enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Auf jeden Fall scheint mir wichtig, das Heizbett von unten her gut gegen Wärmeverlust zu isolieren (z.B. mit Korkmatte). Und auch in der Aufwärmephase hilft es, das Heizbett von oben mit einem Stück Wellkarton abzudecken... Sind deine Anschlusskabel dick genug? Hast du mal die Spannung am Heizbetteingang gemessen? Sind es wirklich noch 12V? Wenn dein Netzteil nicht schon so am Limit läuft, danvon enif - Druck- und Heizbetten
A premiere vue ce que tu proposes me semble bien correct - en admettent que tu as mis ton TB6600 en fonctionnement a pas entiers, c.a.d. *sans* micro-stepping. Cependant en lisant ton message je crains que tu aies deja essaye cela (sinon, pourquoi pas?) ... et pour une raison ou autre ca n'a pas fonctionne? En tout cas, ca serait utile si tu nous donnes des details sur le "script" que tu utilisesvon enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Wenn deine Hausinstallation keinen FI-Schutz hat, dann gibt es ja auch FI-Zwischenadapter, die einfach zwischen Steckdose und Anschlusskabel gesteckt werden, z.B. diesen bei Hornbach.von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
Ein 240W Netzteil kann mit 14-15V schon eher knapp werden. Ich verwende für meine Drucker 12V/30A/360W Netzteile, entweder die breite oder neu auch die schmale Version. Die sind nicht teuer und haben mehr als genug Reserve.von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
Ich stimme völlig mit Fridi überein. Ich betreibe alle meine Drucker mit 12V Netzgeräten, die ich auf 14-15V hochgeregelt habe. Hatte nie ein Problem damit, und die Aufwärmzeit ist damit *deutlich* kürzer. Zum Schalten des Heizbettes brauche ich Traumflugs SevenSwitch. Und (falls noch nicht schon geschehen) nicht vergessen, das Heizbett von unten zu isolieren, z.B. mit einer Korkmatte. Zudem havon enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
As I only have version 2015.03 of OpenScad, I can't (yet) use the new angle=... parameter of rotate_extrude(). Here is how I did the example below: $fn=180; difference(){ rotate_extrude(angle=3)translate([200,0,0])square([24,24]); for(a=[0,90])rotate(a) translate([-300,0,-1])cube([600,600,26]); translate([0,0,3])rotate_extrude(angle=3)translate([203,0,0])square([18,18]); }von enif - OpenSCAD
Is it something like this that you are looking for? This one is composed of 3 sections with pairs [20,200],[-25,450],[-180,150]. If you only have one section with a constant radius, you can just with a difference of two rotate_extrude(...)square(...).von enif - OpenSCAD
I tried to understand what you are trying to do, but without further information (e.g. photos of your drone or you current battery pack) I don't think it's possible to give you the desired help.von enif - OpenSCAD
QuoteDust ... you do know that ABS shrinks approx 8% Are you sure? Isn't it rather 0.8%?von enif - Firmware - Marlin
@David J This is perfect - thanks for giving credit Since I am also quite active on Thingiverse, you could -but only if you like!- underlay the word "enif" with a link to my thingiverse account, which is www.thingiverse.com/enif .von enif - OpenSCAD
Interesting problem... Here my approach, which is a bit different. Instead of subtracting cylinders to get the chamfer, I construct the cylinder in slices: // chamfercyl - create a cylinder with round chamfered ends module chamfercyl( r, // cylinder radius h, // cylinder height b=0, // bottom chamfer radius (=0 none, >0 outside, <0 inside)von enif - OpenSCAD
Can't you just feed the belt end coming from the motor directly underneath the white block (now its going over and around), i.e.together with and at the same height as the belt end coming from the idler? Wouldn't this make the belt parallel to the x-axis? Having both ends at the same height would also remove the torque on the x- carriage that you have now (which IMHO is also a potential reasonvon enif - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Can it be that you are still using the old values which are stored in EEPROM? See commands M502 (reset values) and M502 (store values in EEPROM) ...von enif - Firmware - Marlin
Quotemaxangel Comment calcul tu le facteur de 0.5 ou le calcul grâce a la différence de poids? Le facteur 0.5 (ou le rapport des poids) etait juste une suggestion comment commencer le processus de la recherche de la "bonne valeur" (empruntee de la methode de dichotomie/bisection). Dans ton cas, si 3000*0.5=1500 fonctionne bien, tu peux soit te contenter et garder cette valeur (ce qui me semble ravon enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Have you made sure that the pins labeled D20 and D21 on your schematic are indeed D20 and D21, e.g. by running the blink sketch on these pins and measuring the voltage on the pins? I read here that your diagram is from version 1.1 not 1.3. Also note that the labels on the board itself say something link "BZ" and "SS", so it would be a pity to go through all the trouble to find out at the end thavon enif - Controllers
Quotemaxangel je doit le descendre de combien ? Pour trouver la valeur correcte, c'est nettement plus facile de le faire a l'aide du display - une fois trouve la bonne valeur, tu peux toujours changer la valeur dans Configuration.h et recompiler Marlin... En ce qui concerne la nouvelle valeur, il faut faire des essais. Je commencerais p.e. avec un facteur de 0.5. Si ca marche, tu peux augmenvon enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone