Interactive RepRap Family Tree
This is an image map version of the reprap family tree, the idea is that if you want to jump to a project just click on the name. (hovering over it shows where you will be going)
I find it easier to get to where I want on a tree like structure then sorting thru lists (yes I know we have search but hey I think this is cool)
Please use the discussion page, I would love to here ideas, and find out if there are problems.
- As a note there are only 70 links added so far, but I will finish it off soon.
<imagemap> Image:RFT_timeline2006-2012.png|1683px|RepRap Family Tree
rect 36 359 143 380 rect 36 340 143 361 rect 36 320 143 341 rect 15 65 144 264 RepRap Family Tree Original Page rect 41 760 146 874 Main_Page rect 818 597 898 655 Mendel rect 455 798 535 854 Darwin rect 1019 500 1196 532 Mini-Mendel rect 1127 233 1229 304 Prusa rect 552 917 642 938 McWire_Cartesian_Bot_1_2 rect 996 1023 1086 1063 Delta Delta rect 730 784 832 825 Lego_RepStrap rect 1149 1461 1278 1502 rect 1036 1503 1165 1534 Pirated_CupCake rect 833 1485 962 1516 Cupcake rect 1296 1507 1406 1526 Super!CupcakeMK2 on Thingiverse (Obsolete see Super!CupcakeMK3) rect 1330 1525 1446 1549 Super!CupcakeMK3 on Thingiverse rect 492 1570 608 1594 RapMan rect 936 1554 1379 1578 rect 934 1590 1129 1627 Rap@Home rect 391 1636 961 1660 CandyFab Wiki rect 302 1617 872 1637 Fab@Home rect 487 1599 606 1619 Fabaroni rect 200 808 319 894 ShowCase rect 446 1660 639 1685 3dhomemade blog rect 586 893 738 918 PonokoRepRap rect 714 865 836 895 FTIStrap rect 1241 708 1331 727 Mendel rect 900 778 990 808 MegaMendel rect 848 831 938 861 Builders/JunkStrap rect 929 762 1000 779 Mendel_Apollo rect 961 870 1032 895 Eiffel rect 974 744 1059 764 Metal_Mendel rect 999 1091 1084 1134 RepOlaRap rect 1018 726 1091 746 Mendel_Variations/Catalyst rect 1027 894 1100 923 Contraptor rect 1041 555 1114 584 WolfStrap rect 1040 582 1132 602 Isaac rect 1061 1173 1133 1204 MultiRep rect 1057 603 1164 625 LaserCut_Mendel rect 1054 1140 1161 1160 Bonsai_RepStrap rect 1061 1401 1373 1421 Shapercube Wiki] rect 1065 832 1165 857 LeBigRep on Thingiverse rect 1094 704 1166 729 Foton_3Dprinter Foton 3D Printer rect 994 845 1066 870 T-Rep rect 1100 1420 1204 1445 Up!3d Printer on rect 1112 1115 1195 1140 Francisco rect 1136 1159 1208 1184 Columbus rect 1131 1310 1218 1347 MetalicaRap rect 1149 1087 1213 1111 TRap rect 1155 756 1226 785 Big_Mendel rect 1151 415 1245 439 Huxley_Seedling rect 1161 952 1255 976 Mantis_9.1 rect 1153 867 1247 891 Kludgebot rect 1166 1068 1260 1087 Helium_Frog_Delta_Robot rect 1186 546 1347 567 Integrated_Parametric_RepRap rect 1188 1048 1255 1069 FabPod rect 1182 829 1249 857 Doboz rect 1188 1226 1255 1270 Ultimaker rect 1191 87 1300 115 Makergear Prusa rect 1205 439 1299 456 Rusty Huxley on Thingiverse rect 1197 930 1291 952 Gunstrap rect 1207 525 1301 547 TechZoneHuxley rect 1198 370 1278 392 Malthus rect 1224 455 1321 476 EMAKER_Huxley rect 1226 392 1323 413 Mixtape_mendel rect 1223 726 1320 747 MendeLego rect 1244 992 1365 1014 PolyBot rect 1238 1357 1359 1379 A5_Powder_bed_printer rect 1238 114 1316 133 Clonedel
default desc none </imagemap>