I have generation 7 PCB v1.2 availableby brupje - Controllers
I have some generation 7 boards available. Not the latest version, but still good.by brupje - For Sale
I can understand that. I can add a page with shipping fees I guess, that should help...by brupje - For Sale
Thanks, I have tried it on a third chip with AVR studio for Windows. That seems to have worked ok, but uploading the firmware to the chip with the Arduino software fails over the serial line. So I still think it's the fuses, but have not proved that the bootloader was in fact uploaded ok. Hopefully I can reset the bricked chips with AVR studio, but I have been busy blowing up Arduino MEGA's, soby brupje - Reprappers
Thanks 1. Yes I am shipping from Europe (NL). Depending on which zone you are shipping rates differ. I guess you are from France so you should be in zone 1 (lowest except for NL). 2. There are two DIY-kits for RAMPS 1.3: the full kit (100€) and 'normal kit' (34.77€). The full kit includes the Arduino mega 1280 and stepsticks which the fully assembled does not include. On my Ebay you can findby brupje - For Sale
Decreasing the tension on the axis solved my problems, but I think it has to do with building up tension when the stepper rotates and not so much the teeth on the belt.by brupje - General Mendel Topics
Because I wanted to make things more official, I've started a new webshop: reprapworld.com. Not all products are available yet, but will be shortly. Please check back regularly for new stuff.by brupje - For Sale
Ja dit is skeinforge, sorry had aangenomen dat je daar mee print Ik zou die tool ook aanbevelen. Het aantal opties is wel wat overweldigend, maar je kunt er dan ook veel mee. Als je printer geulen trekt moet hij minder PLA eruit gooien of sneller bewegen. Ik weet alleen niet hoe je dat moet instellen in repsnapper. Dus ik zou zeggen extrusion multiplier lager zetten :pby brupje - Dutch User Group - Archive
Volgens mij heb ik er nog een liggen. Zal ff kijken vanavond.by brupje - Dutch User Group - Archive
Quote If owning a reprap has saved your life or enabled the rescuing of a child from a burning building, please tell the tale here so I can relay it to "her indoors"! Changes are that the RepRap started the fire Obviously, the only way to win your wifes heart is to gives her or Good luck!by brupje - General
QuoteWhat makes you think you bricked the chip? Does it no longer react at all, of do you just get errors? After I do the first step as described on the wiki, avrdude says ok. Quote sudo ./avrdude -C ./avrdude.conf -c avrispmkII -p atmega644 -U lfuse:w:0xF7:m -U hfuse:w:0xDC:m -U efuse:w:0xFF:m -P usb avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions Reading | ###########by brupje - Reprappers
I've got an Atmega 644A , and it seems that I've alread bricked two chips setting the fuses wrong, following the WIKI. If someone has the right fuses settings, that would be appreciated.by brupje - Reprappers
If it's a loose wire your pololu's might be at risk..by brupje - Reprappers
I ordered a few of them for mendel #2. I'll post my findings hereby brupje - General
Dit zijn mijn instellingen voor 0.5mm nozzle / 3mm filament Layer thickness: 0.27 Feed rate: 42.0 Flow rate: 52.0 perimeter feed rate: 0.6 perimeter flow rate: 0.6 perimeter width over thickness: 2.3 infill width over thickness: 1.8 infill solidity: 0.29by brupje - Dutch User Group - Archive
Lol I wish I had so much space to have five mendels :pby brupje - General
"This is an Allegro A4983 / A4988 x4 breakout board for Sanguinololu. It can be snapped apart at the score in case of Allegro failure, and replaced with another or a Pololu. Snap all 4 apart and get a pin-compatible clones for use on boards like RAMPS or Gen7. " Only EUR 9.50! -by brupje - For Sale
jcabrer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Your problem is definitely electrical. At least > the melting wires part of it. > > This subject of printer freezing probably needs to > have a troubleshooting page on the wiki. There > are many things that can cause freezing. > > Temporary Freeze: > 1. Windows Update > 2. Anti-Virus Runningby brupje - General
@BodgeIt: cool, can't wait to see the designs and build one for myself :pby brupje - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Ik print gewoon op aluminium, maar dat is wel zeer verhitby brupje - Dutch User Group - Archive
Is idd ambitieus. Ik ben er maanden mee bezig geweestby brupje - Dutch User Group - Archive
Check for shorts would be the irst step I guess. Does the arduino work without the shield attached? Botmill doesn't seem to have a to good reputation...by brupje - RAMPS Electronics
Just arrived: - bare pcb ramps 1.3 € 8,99 - bare pcb generation 7 €12,99 Pictures need to be updated, also fully assembled is not uploaded yet. bare pcb ramps 1.2 are now € 2,99by brupje - For Sale
I don't think there is much quality difference between cheap and expensive. I am quite happy with the filament I've got, which is pretty cheap. It performs similair to the more expensive filaments I've gotten. I don't think a dual head is going to improve that. Also I don't drink much milk. Not that I can actually buy milk in plastic bottles in Holland. I guess it's time to start growing my ownby brupje - General
Hoi, De firmware is niet gelimiteerd volgens mij. Maar even wat stangetjes verlengen is zo makkelijk nog niet, de constructie wordt daar veel minder stijf van. Een print van 1m is vrij lastig, laat staan de tijd die het apparaat nodig heeft om het te printen. Ook ivm warping. Bartby brupje - Dutch User Group - Archive
I use to rotate or combine STL files.by brupje - General
"but the thought of having to do anything via linux makes me loose sleep. " So you don't have any router/cell phone/copier machine around you running Linux, or do you you never sleep? The reprap software is able to create gcode files from .stl, but the quality is nothing near what I get from skeinforgeby brupje - Reprappers