My bed made the same noise. I pulled one rod at a time and added lube into the bearings. She runs smooth now. Can't remember what I did with the belt, but I do know what you are talking number40fan - Prusa i3 and variants
Sounds like a Tevo. Keep us number40fan - Delta Machines
Do you have more than one forum name or is this two different people? The firmware was on my K200 when I got it, but it looks like the newer HE3Ds are being shipped with MKS 1.3/5 boards and I have seen some reports of them being number40fan - Delta Machines
I use glass cleaner with hair spray and don't have any issues getting it squeaky clean. The stuff I use is in a can and foams up. Can be bought at any hardware/automotive number40fan - Reprappers
Yes, place the endstops as far up as they can go. Use a multimeter to check which prong on the power cord corresponds to which wire on the other end. The third prong goes to the case ground on the power supply. Others don't matter. The three point calibration gets you damn close, but the biggest thing is to make sure the frame is square to the build plate. If you have the heated build plateby number40fan - Delta Machines
DO it!! I honestly don't know, but I would absolutely be adjusting number40fan - Prusa i3 and variants
You don't have a part cooling fan, do you? Get a regular fan to blow across the bed if you don' number40fan - Printing
There are some better files on number40fan - General Mendel Topics
You can use a mosfet hooked up to the motherboard, but powered by the 12V number40fan - Reprappers
QuoteKevin37 Yes I did and now its working I used some extra aluminum to mill a mount. I'm assuming the way I had it mounted was putting to much pressure on the center of the motor. Im going to put it together ang switch all the wires back and do a test print later. I will report back later today or tomorrow to let you all know how it goes. One good thing came out of all this, I was forces to dby number40fan - Duet
Did you try removing it from the frame?by number40fan - Duet
What would happen if it wasn't attached to the frame? If you aren't using it, switch it over to E1 and see what number40fan - Duet
Try M119 to make sure the endstop isn't being triggered even though it allows you to go to zero afterwards. Probably isn't, but it is something to number40fan - Printing
You might just have the wrong type of thermistor selected in the number40fan - Printing
Would this be another issue with the deploy and retract probe folders?by number40fan - Ormerod
I think his point was to remove the deploy and retract probe number40fan - Duet
Straight from Hiwin or from number40fan - Delta Machines
Get rid of the filament guide. I have my roll set up as you have explained yours is now, and I don't have any issue. The filament just slides back and forth on the upper number40fan - Mechanics
My Anet A8 does everything I ask of number40fan - Reprappers
For that kind of money, I'd just buy a PSU and have what you need later down the road. Can always run longer and even smaller VIN wires if not running a number40fan - Delta Machines
I was asking about the drivers to help identify them. .25v seems really low, but if they number40fan - Reprappers
What color are they? Have any pictures?by number40fan - Reprappers
There are some over hang tests that really test a fan. But even easier is the bottom side of the ears on a number40fan - Delta Machines
I think right now is the best time to be building a Delta. So many wonderful parts that make it so easy to assemble and number40fan - Delta Machines
For giggles, I gave this a try. I think the piece is just too small and does require a very slow speed to make it look decent. But, comparing mine to your pictures, I still think you are over extruding quite a bit. Try a .95 or even .90 until you start seeing gaps or the layers won't adhere. Then bump it back number40fan - Printing
For that money, I'd jump to a Tevo Tornado. Can be had for $ number40fan - Extruded Aluminum Frames
Have you tried lowering the print speed any?by number40fan - Printing
I go with option 1. Keep it cheap for now. Make sure everything works. Go from number40fan - Delta Machines